Dominique Borcy 186 abonnés Hors ligneDominique Borcy
Forum : Les orphelins de Toutbox et Partageurs - What does sales tax mean?
23/12/2022 16:28:31

Generally, sales taxes apply to retail sales of goods and services and are a percentage of the total purchase amount. Retailers are responsible for calculating and collecting sales tax at the time of purchase. But explain in simple terms What does sales tax mean?
24/12/2022 06:50:33

Sales tax is paid by the consumer to the business. The business then collects sales taxes and pays them to the Department of Revenue. Sales taxes are paid on eligible goods, also known as taxable goods. Sales taxes also apply to taxable services. Not every good or service sold is subject to sales tax. Some are exempt from sales tax. You can read more here
A variety of goods and services are included in the exempt category. They depend on the type of business that sells them and depend on the state.
24/12/2022 06:52:07

Different states have different rules when it comes to exempted goods and services. Businesses that qualify as nonprofits are also exempt from sales tax.
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